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- Opening address of K.G. Androsov, Chairman of the Board of Directors
of JSC “RZD” - Executive Board
- Executive Board Members CV
- Board of Directors
- Organizational structure of JSC RZD
- Corporate Governance Principles of JSC “Russian Railways”
- General Financial Results
- Company Overview
- Legal disclaimer
- Key Performance Indicators of JSC “RZD” in 2010-2012
- 175th Anniversary of Russian Railways
- Corporate profile of Open Joint Stock Company “Russian Railways”
- Year in Review and Key Corporate Events
- Strategy of Guaranteed Safe and Secure Transportation
- Lean Manufacturing Technologies at JSC “Russian Railways”
- Improving the Reliability of Infrastructure Facilities
- Information on related party transactions
- Debt Policy
- Audit Committee
- Opening address of the President of JSC “RZD” V. I. Yakunin
- Development Prospects
- Freight Transportation Market Review
- Suburban Passenger Traffic
- Organization of the Management System
- Passenger Transportation
- Cooperation with Public Authorities
- Freight Turnover
- Structural Reform
- Economic Risks
- Review of Macroeconomic Market Indicators Influencing
the Transportation Market - Environmental protection and resource saving
- Terms and Definitions
- Current Assets
- Operational threats and risks
- Improvement of labor conditions – an important factor of the production process safety
- Performance Overview
- Interspecific Competition: Benefits of JSC “RZD”
- Dynamics of Freight Transportation Volumes of JSC “RZD”
- The Remuneration System of Members of the Executive Board of JSC “Russian Railways”, Remuneration Principles and Indicators Influencing the Remuneration
- Passenger Turnover
- Operational Results of the Year
- General Meeting of Shareholders
- Major Transactions and Other Transactions that Must be Approved in the Same Way as Major Transactions Under the Company’s Charter
- Production of Locomotives with Asynchronous Traction Drive
- Income Analysis
- Financial Ratios
- Corporate university
- Tariff regulation risks
- Sustainable Development
- JSC “Russian Railways” Investment Projects
- Administration of Assets of JSC “Russian Railways”
- State Tariff Policy: New Rules with Regard to JSC “RZD”
- Reference Information
- Corporate Social Responsibility
- Scope of Activities
- International Activities and Implementation of Major International Projects
- Talent pool development at JSC “RZD”
- Improvement of the remuneration and incentive system
- Leasing
- The Federal railway transport development strategy
- Liquidity
- Innovation and Technological Development of JSC “Russian Railways”
- Cooperation with Western Rolling Stock Manufacturers
- Youth and Health Improvement Programs
- Implementation of the Bargaining Agreement
- General Cost Optimization
- Charity
- Personnel Management
- Key trends of the Holding Company’s development strategy
- Profitability of Activities
- Corporate Pension Scheme
- Housing Policy of JSC “RZD”
- State support to JSC “RZD” in 2012: subsidies, additional contributions to charter capital and influence on performance
- Innovative Technologies in the Transportation Process
- Industrial Safety
- Taxes and Fees Payment
- Strategic Priorities: Development of the Railway Infrastructure in Russia and Abroad
- Working with Rating Agencies, Investors and Analysts
- Development of Infrastructure for General Use
- Development of the Express and High-Speed Rail Network in Russia
- Youth policy
- Financial Risk Management
- Improving Energy Efficiency
- Investment Activity
- Export Freight Loading
- Expenditure Analysis
- Implementation of International Projects on Infrastructure Construction
- Development of logistics activities
- Analysis of Change in Average Haul
- Traction Rolling Stock Renewal
- Cooperation with Railways in the “1520 Space”
- Dividends
- Transit and Import Transportation
- Station Facilities: Improved Service Quality for All Categories of Passengers
- Increase in the Transport Service Quality
- President of JSC “Russian Railways”
- Acquisition of a major European logistic operator
- Loading
- Innovations in Transportation Control
- Sales of shares of JSC “Russian Railways” subsidiaries and affiliated companies
- Litigation in 2011
- Track Repair Quality
- Other Activities
- Loan Portfolio
- Cooperation with International Transport Organizations
- Loading Structure by Main Freight Types
- Prospective Route for Regular Piggyback Trains within the “1520 Area”
- Investment in nature protection activities
- Information on the execution of orders of the President of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Russian Federation
- JSC “Russian Railways” investment program in 2012: new approaches to budgeting and major projects
- Manpower Optimization
- JSC “Russian Railways” contributes to the development of the transit potential of Russia
- Brake Systems Innovation
- Strategic Priorities: Transportation and Logistics
- Insurance
- Train Safety Statistics
- Establishment of the Joint Transport and Logistics Company
- Prevention of Illegal Interference with the Activities of the Railway Transport
- Infrastructure Reliability
- Car Fleets
- Main focus areas of nature protection activities of JSC “RZD”
- Internal Passenger Traffic
- Interspecific Competition in the Freight Transportation Market
- Technical retooling is conducted at “RZD” with regard to environmental requirements
- Improvement in Transportation Process Performance
- Assurance of Stability and Financial Balance of JSC “RZD” Operations Through Cost Reduction Measures
- Passenger Traffic Reform
- Development of International Intermodal Transportation and Passenger Traffic
- International Passenger Traffic
- Strategic Priorities: Passenger Transportation and Services
- Other Income Expenditures
- Purchasing